For years and years I’ve been growing vegetables in a home garden, and although I’m not a gardening expert by any means, it’s been fun sharing updates about my garden on the blog. I’ve connected all the garden updates with a label so it’s easy to find them.

garden photos

Garden Updates:

Clicking the category Garden Updates anywhere on the blog will take you to all my garden updates, with the most recent updates shown first.

Cooking Tips for Gardeners:

Cooking with French Tarragon

Cooking with Fresh Parsley

Cooking with Fresh Mint

Cooking with Fresh Basil

Tips for Freezing Garden Produce:

My Favorite Tips for Freezing Garden Tomatoes, Fresh Herbs, and Vegetables

How to Freeze Fresh Basil (all phases)

How to Freeze Fresh Herbs: Rosemary and Thyme (all phases)

More About Freezing Fresh Herbs: Sage, Tarragon, and Mint (all phases)

How to Make and Freeze Tomato Sauce (all phases)

Making Pistou Sauce for the Freezer (in honor of Julia Child, all phases)

I started gardening with just a little strip of dirt at the back of my yard, but in the spring of 2008 my brother Mark built raised beds for me, which greatly improved the garden and made it easier to maintain. (Thanks Mark, love you!)

Mark also put two skinny herb beds across the top of the garden, since I love to grow herbs. I loved the way these look in late summer when the herbs are overflowing the beds!

In 2009 I underwent some extensive house renovations, and there were some improvements to the garden area, including a new path and new beds along the deck to grow tomatoes.

In 2010 I grew tomatoes in those beds for the first time, including three plants of my favorite green zebra tomatoes.Improvements to the garden area continued in late 2010 when I added a new fence, another herb bed along the fence, a shed for tools,  and converted my garden to drip irrigation with weed barrier/gravel around the beds for the whole garden area. I’m excited about these improvements and can’t wait for gardening 2011!

In 2013 I moved to a bigger house where I can host family parties, but there are deer, squirrels, rabbits, and even a few skunks at the new house, so gardening is more of a challenge. In 2013 I tried having a container garden, which was a mixed success. The next two years I didn’t have a garden (sob) and had to get produce from the farmers market.

Now flash forward to 2016 and my amazing brother Mark and his wonderful wife Lisa built me this fantastic new garden, completely enclosed to keep out the critters, and I could not be more grateful of excited to start gardening again!

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